Building Our True Home

Little BudsIt has been a few months since my father-in-law passed away (may Allah have mercy on his soul) and my son has been asking a lot about his death and where he is now. There is a lot of construction going on where we live, so he is aware that it takes much money, time, and effort to build a house. He noticed that some houses were only partly constructed. After contemplating for a while, he asked me,

Mommy, did Dada take enough takas (Bangladeshi currency) with him to build him a house in Jannah?

My son loved his Dada very much and was very concerned that his Dada have everything he needed, wherever he was. I explained to him that a house in Jannah is built with good deeds.

The dollar, pound, or taka which can buy almost anything in this world will have no value in the next one. Only the deeds which we send forth will help us there. Some of us may pride ourselves in keeping a nice home, but no matter how much time and money we spend beautifying it, we will have to leave it one day. So, should we not also make time to build and decorate our real home?

Allah says in the Quran,

وًالباقِياتُ الصَّالِحاتُ خَيْرٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَاباً وَخَيْرٌ مَرَدّاً 

 “And the good deeds which endure are better in your Lord’s sight for reward and better for resort” {Surah Maryam:76}

Our pious predecessors spent their lives beautifying their mansions in Jannah while they lived in homes which were smaller than some of our rooms. This is because they chose the permanent over the temporary

 ما عِندَكُمْ يَنفَدُ وَمَا عِندَ اللهِ باقٍ 

 “What is with you fades and what is with Allah remains.” {Surah al-Nahl:96}

There is nothing wrong with having a beautiful home. In fact, it is a great blessing for which we must do abundant shukr. We just have to remember that we will have to return to Allah one day and how unfortunate is the one who travels without any provisions!

so life goes on like a stream ever-flowing

to the horizon on this winding way

reluctantly, joyfully you choose how you journey

but know that all rivers meet the sea one day

~Talib al-Habib

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