Ultra Drinking Water

The wording on some food/drink packages found in Asian countries, like Bangladesh, leave you … dumbstruck. Don’t believe me? Take a look.

Here’s a bottle of one of the most common, widely found and frequently used bottles of water: Fresh.

Fresh Bottle

“Super Fresh – Natural Drinking Water – Let’s Drink to Life”. So far, so good. Now here’s the back of the bottle.

Here’s what the back says: “2 litres – Super Fresh drinking water is treated by Reverse Osmosis, Ultraviolated & Ozonated. Super Fresh contains valuable minerals your body needs every day. This water is packed in pet bottle, which is approved by F.D.A. USA for food packaging”.

Mind you, folks, this water is ultraviolated. Ever feel violated? You might want to check your water bottles, it may be your water that’s the root cause. Now that’s just a feeling of being violated, this water is ultraviolated. Does that mean you drink this if you’re feeling violated, or does the feeling of violation come after drinking? Oh wait, it says that the water is ultraviolated, hmm … got to think about this one.

Now, I don’t have anything against my fellow Bengali brothers and sisters. I think they are amongst the most hardworking people there are, see here and here. Their hard work leaves me astounded. So does their packaging.

5 responses to “Ultra Drinking Water

  1. I loved this post especially as I drink this stuff every day in Bangladesh! I have to say though, that ‘ozonated’ is a real word and is a controversial process that is actually banned in most Western countries! Make of that as you will!

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